Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Amy's wheels

Watch she comes. What a big girl!Amy and I were able to spend some time outside today as the temp was in the 80's and she loved riding her bike. She is finally able to pedal the bike all by herself a short distance then gets tired and want you to push her. She is so proud of herself...and actually so are we. :)

Cooking dinner

So Amy loves to help mommy make supper :) and since I think I missed my calling as a member of the paparazzi here are some pics of amy helping mommy make pigs in a blanket. She isn't a fan of waiting for things to cook as she is constantly asking 'is it ready for me to eat yet?' but really does like helping and does a pretty good job. They were very she asked all through dinner..'aren't these delicious..i made them!" She's cute, funny and oh so humble..

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

No one could have prepared me for how FAST children grow. It makes me REALLY sad.

Check out my Slide Show!